We needed to get some more puppy food for Ms Coki so we took the opportunity to make it a field trip and take her to the store with us. It's a great idea to socialize pups through a variety of different experiences when they're young. Going to the pet store if one example. She did great. She did great in the car and great in the store. I didn't get pictures of everything but she met another dog, a beautiful collie wearing a service dog vest. She met some employees who fawned over her and gave her scratches and hugs (she loved it). She got to sniff many new smells and got to see some little hamsters in their cages. She was polite and well behaved the whole time. A little timid (hey this is all new for her) but with just a little encouragement she did great. I brought my fanny pack full of treats and rewarded her for every positive interaction she had.
Some pictures and videos are below. There is one video of her practicing "sit" and "touch" (her nose to my hand). You can see she was excited and was jumping up at first. She's a smart girl and it will be really fun to train her on proper manners.
Video- Working on sit
Video- sitting at the store
Video- exploring the store
Video- sitting outside
Sitting outside on a sunny day with my dog Winnie (Coki is rolling on the right) |
On the way to the pet store |
Heading home after a successful shopping trip |
Smelling all the smells! |
Scrappy and her new family |
Coki and my dog Winnie sharing a bed (Coki chewing a bone)
Thanks for reading and thanks for thinking rescue! |