
Another Field Trip With Coki

 It's a good idea to socialize dogs at Coki's age by introducing them to new experiences and new people.  So we decided to take Coki to a local dog friendly brewery and she did great.  She rode well in the car on the way there and pottied in the grass like I asked before we entered the place. The brewery is in an office park and on the Friday evening we were there there wasn't much commotion around except for the brewery.  As we walked to the door she put on the breaks....she backed up and put her butt down.  She wasn't sure where we were taking her and it was dark outside so I don't blame her.  So, I picked her up and carried her over the threshold and then she started to walk again.  To my surprise there was a guitarist there that night which made the noise level louder than usual.  We found a table and sat down and Coki immediately had admirers come over to say hello.  She was a little shy at first, maybe 10-15 seconds but then warmed up.  She also met another dog that was there and greeted her politely.  We were there about 90 minutes in total and Coki did great.  She was curious and did a lot of smelling around our table, but was calm.  I brought a bag of treats so I could reward her for her good behavior which made it an enjoyable positive experience for her.  We plan on going again.  

Here's a video of Coki playing outside

Photos below didn't load in a great order.  I'll add subtitles to explain

Shout out to Church Street Brewery in Itasca.  A neat place!  

Chewing a bone by the fireplace one night this week

At the brewery

Checking things out at the brewery

Waiting for a treat at the brewery

We just got there and she looked a little nervous still

Zonked out on the sofa one night this week.  She is a puppy with a lot of energy so this was after several walks this day

Hey...where are those treats!